Tag Archives: cutouts

Recent Acquisitions to the City of Ottawa’s Collection, Karsh-Masson Gallery, Ottawa, ON

  Freezer Bags and Tissues, from the Cut-Outs series, appeared in a group exhibit of recent purchases by the City of Ottawa.

Stelmackowich, Cindy. “Caught in the folds” in Unfoldings/Déploiements. Québec: VU Centre de diffusion et de production de la photographie, 2002.

Unfoldings, solo exhibit, VU, Centre de diffusion et de production de la photographie, Québec, QC

The Cut-Outs photographic series and Balancing Act interactive multiples project were exhibited at VU, Centre de diffusion et de production de la photographie from Jan 18 – Feb 10, 2002.

Greenwood, Vera. Container – A Dialogue Between Form and Function. Ottawa: Saw Gallery, 2002.

Quine, Dany. “Expositions.” Le Soleil, [Quebec], February 2, 2002.

Cantin, David. “Rôles et fictions.” Le Devoir, [Montreal], vol. XCII, no. 15, January 26, 2002.

Container, 2-person exhibit, SAW Gallery, curated by Vera Greenwood, Ottawa, ON

The Cut-Outs photographic series was exhibited at SAW Gallery in 2002 with work by Christine Shaw.

Purchase by the City of Ottawa

In 2002 the City of Ottawa purchased Freezer Bags and Tissues from the Cut-Outs series for its permanent public art collection.

Cut-Outs (2001)

In the Cut-Outs series, landscape photos, family snapshots and news images were cut into the shapes of commercial packaging patterns, disrupting the familiar rectangular format we expect of a photograph and mediating our perceptions of the images. The pattern shapes carry broader references to marketing, consumerism, and mass production of multiples, while they also refer to everyday […]